
Hallcross Legal PtyLtd (ACN 656 44 781) (“we”, “us” or “our”) is bound by the Privacy Act 1988(Cth) (as amended from time to time) (“Act”) and the Australian PrivacyPrinciples (“APP’s”) contained in the Act.

We will comply with the Act and the APP’s set out in the Act. You can view the APP’s online at the Australian Government website for the Office of the Australian Information Centre at

We only collect personal information as required or authorised by law.  In addition to our obligations under the Act, we are legal practitioners with strict professionalobligations to our clients and the courts, including obligations of confidentiality. Also, our clients will often have legal professional privilegeover records and communications in connection with our services. This Privacy Policy is provided to make you aware of how we collect, use and manage personalinformation. It also provides you with information about how you can accessyour personal information and how you can make an inquiry or complaintregarding our compliance with the APP’s or any information which we hold.  Inmaking this Privacy Policy, we do so on the basis that this policy does notreplace or limit the requirements of the Privacy Act.

1. Your acceptance of this privacy policy
By viewing ourwebsite, namely,entering into a costs agreement/terms of engagement with us under which legal services are to be provided to you or otherwise providing us with your personal information, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. 

You may, at anytime, withdraw your consent by informing us in writing. If you are a client andwithdraw consent (as you are entitled to do), it might mean that we are unable to provide you with the legal services you want. 

From time to time,we may update the Privacy Policy. When changes are made, we will revise the date of last update at the end of this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to check our website regularly for any updates to our Privacy Policy 

2. What is Personal Information
'Personal information’ is information or opinion (in recorded form or otherwise) about an identified, or reasonably identifiable, individual. This includes your name, your date of birth and your contact details, and may also include information about your dealings with us.

3. Manner and purpose of collection of personal information
a) The type of personal information we collect, and how itis collected, includes, but may not be limited to:
i. information you provide to us at our request, your name and address and, when you use our web site, your domain name, e‑mail address, and information on what pages you access;
ii. information that may be provided to us by a credit reporting body and information relating to payment of our accounts;
iii. details of applications such as contact information, covering letter, CV and resumes, history of your employment and any volunteer work you have undertaken (including details of your previous employers and organizations for which you volunteered), academic results and any other information you provide to us as part of an application for employment; and
iv. information we collect in the course of acting for clients.
We collect, hold, use or disclose personal information:
- To provide our legal services;
- To provide you with our communications;
- To provide you with events or seminars;
- To obtain the services of third-party service providers as part of providing our services;
- To manage and improve our legal services and client relationships;
- Where we are otherwise required or authorized to do so by law; and
- Otherwise, to run our business. Without collecting personal information we would not be able to provide you with some of our services.

4. Accuracy and completeness of personal information
a) While we will endeavour to ensure that the personal information collected from you is up to date and complete, we will assume that any personal information provided by you is free from errors and omissions, is not misleading or deceptive and complies with all relevant laws.
b) We rely on the personal information provided by you. We will not check or verify the accuracy of any personal information we obtain from you or other persons.
c) You should provide us with details of any changes to your personal information as soon as reasonably practicable following such change.

5. Disclosure of your personal information
a) We do not permit the personal information we hold to be disclosed to third parties unless:
i. we consider it necessary to be disclosed in order that services we provide to you can be properly carried out; or
ii. you have consented (expressly or impliedly) or requested your personal information to be provided to a third party; or
iii. we are required or permitted by law to provide information to a third party.
(b) Subject to our professional obligations to our clients, we may disclose personal information:
- To other entities (such as barristers, experts and/or valuers we have engaged, and other parties involved in dispute resolution) as part of providing our services to our clients;
- To third party service providers, agents and contractors such as imaging firms, marketing firms and couriers;
- To our professional advisers and insurers;
- To regulators, government agencies, and law enforcement agencies or as otherwise required or authorised by law; and
- To others where you have provided your consent for us to do so.

We do not operate outside of Australia. However, if we do disclose personal information to a recipient outside of Australia, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the overseas recipient does not breach the Act and APP’s, unless:
- the overseas recipient is subject to similar laws to the Act and the APP’s and you have mechanismsto take action against the overseas recipient;
- we reasonably believe the disclosure is necessary or authorised by Australian law; and/or
- you have provided express consent to the disclosure.

6. Protecting your personal information
a) We are committed to ensuring the security of your personal information. We store information in either hard copy or electronic form. We protect your personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure including through restricted access and secure off-site storage.

7. Cookies
a) A cookie is a data file that a website transfers to your hard drive. This enables the website to track the pages you have visited. A cookie only contains information you supply. It cannot read data on your hard drive. Our website uses cookies. You can set your browser to refuse cookies, however, this may mean you are unable to take full advantage of our website. We also collect data relating to the number and frequency of clicks on links and pages of our website. Our website may contain links to other websites that are not owned or operated by us. Individuals should carefully review the privacy policy of any linked website before providing any personal information to them, as we cannot control and are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of third-party websites that are not owned or operated by us.

8. Accessing your personal information
a) If you wish to
i. access your personal information held by us, or
ii. seek correction of such information, or complain about possible breaches of this policy, the Privacy Act or the Australian Privacy Principles, you should direct your enquiry to:
Practice Manager, Hallcross Legal
b) We will deal with your inquiry or complaint in accordance with the Privacy Act. You can also contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner by visiting